myoffice career

Work opportunities in My Office

Boost your professional development with us on your side! Our specialized and experienced personnel are characterized by enthusiasm, kindness, friendly mood and confidentiality. In My Office you will work in a stable and secure work environment with prestige which inspires trust in every employee.

We give great emphasis on the human factor, and we focus on the selection, training, motivation and evaluation of human resources. In that way we always cooperate with devoted professionals who are continuously evolving, enriching their knowledge and experience and develop their skills.

Job Positions Available

τηλεγραμματεία icon

Telesecretary Services

Nam erat ex, lobortis at molestie quis, placerat vitae mi. Nulla in luctus lectus. Fusce pellentesque, ante et placerat ullamcorper, est enim efficitur velit

μετάφραση icon

Translation Services

Nam erat ex, lobortis at molestie quis, placerat vitae mi. Nulla in luctus lectus. Fusce pellentesque, ante et placerat ullamcorper, est enim efficitur velit

telemarketing icon


Nam erat ex, lobortis at molestie quis, placerat vitae mi. Nulla in luctus lectus. Fusce pellentesque, ante et placerat ullamcorper, est enim efficitur velit

ψηφιοποίηση icon

Document Digitalization Services

Nam erat ex, lobortis at molestie quis, placerat vitae mi. Nulla in luctus lectus. Fusce pellentesque, ante et placerat ullamcorper, est enim efficitur velit

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    of our experienced team

    Do you wish to join My Office team and work within an environment that stands out for its friendliness, trustworthiness and reliability? If you believe you have those characteristics that match our corporate profile, do not hesitate to send us your CV.

    my office career